How Many Calories Should I Consume For Weight Loss?

Weight Loss

This is equivalent to the amount of energy that your body requires to carry out daily functions such as heartbeat and breathing. If your intention is to lose weight, you must burn the extra calories that your body doesnt require to carry out these vital life supporting functions. How to calculate your BMR Women: 655 + (4.3 *your weight in pounds) + (4.7 * your height in inches) (4.7 *your age in years. Men: 66 + (63 * your weight in pounds) + (12.9 * your height in inches) (6.8 * age in years) Its worth noting that these equations are applicable in adults, without taking in account the muscle to fat ratio. This means that the equations are applicable to the vast majority unlike those that have bigger muscles.
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The Weight Debate: 5 Reasons You May Not Be Losing Weight

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Food Diversity — Quit eating the same foods We all fall into a food rut. We eat the same breakfasts, lunch and dinners repeatedly. What we don’t realize is that this lack of food diversity can contribute to weight gain. Varying your foods creates a more complete nutritional profile, since each food has different nutritional strengths.
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